All the statues my group did come across were all from roughly the same time period. They were all erected in the 1800s and few had any burials more recent than the mid 1900s. They were all group burials, large families. What factor would lead a family to chose this particular kind of monument to mark their loved ones' burials? Could it have something to do with the family background? Additionally, not all the figures were religious icons. Attached below is a picture of the Deans' family memorial. The figure on the top is a female wearing a crown, an anchor sits by her left side.
The majority of the memorials featured statues belonged to families with English or Scottish last names, except for one Italian family, leading me to believe that religion did not play a huge part in whether they chose a more religious figure or not. Ross Bay cemetery itself is divided up by different religions, and our dataset was quite closely clustered together, further supporting the idea that there was little differentiation of religious observation.

Here is a link to another website that describes the various symbols seen in Victorian Graveyards. Although not a academic source, it helps shed light on why various objects are used as grave markers, such as the urn. However, as it is assumed, that the urn is used to symbolize cremation.
All of the monuments our group looked at indicated family burials, despite the varying grave markers. Although these monuments alone left us with numerous questions, it would be interesting to be able to compare with other Victorian cemeteries to see if similar patterns could be found. Our map of Ross Bay includes markers for the monuments we looked at, pictures of them, and the inscriptions written on the monuments.
Further, this article describes the evolution of Victorian cemeteries in BC, specifically referring to Ross Bay and its famous family monuments. The article speaks of how monuments were used for individuals families in the late 1880s, similar to the ones in our dataset.
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